WALTER FIFE age 22, 150
517 1/2 biceps 14 neck 15.5" neck 15.5" Thigh 21.5" Colff
15" Waist 28.5" Hips 33"
Chest 35/37. Bodybuilder.
AMG's photo ZJ200
Catalog ZJ13 pg 5 ten cents.
.....While I find the overemphasis occassionally placed on the crotch area by some photographers and artists rather stu pid, I think the other extreme can be just as ridiculous. In catalogs of men's underwear we find the area so completely flattened out, that one might believe the models were women with short hair. Whether the prudes whose own sexual drive has withered like it or not, there is a difference in men and women, and while it may be questionable taste to exaggerate the difference, it certainly is questionable intelligence to attempt to conceal it altogether. A bullfighter wears his tight thin trousers so he may deftly dodge the bull and not get loose cloth caught on the horns. Cowboys wear skin tight levis to prevent leg hair burns while riding as well as not to annoy the horse with flapping trouser legs. These and other real men are indifferent towhether or not their "masculinity" shows. But in making the bullfighter's costume at least, provision is made in the trousers that a man and not a woman will wear the pants. In most of our styles in America, outside of a variation in the buttons little difference exists.
Let's accept nature, conform to it, instead of pretending that any part of it could be "improper. ....KK Houston Texas
...... Although I have graduated from two colleges, I cannot understand the AMG bulletins and cataloging system. Why dont you simplify them and really take the time to explain so artists like myself can take full advantage of your service. Your confused presentation has no doubt resulted in the loss of considerable business from others like myself who just cant be bothered. DU Miami, Fla .....Editor's note: A more logically presented AMG Bulletin 53 is. in process now and will be available sometime after Dec 1, 1957.
.....Why do you want to pass out bouqets (in your Summer 57 issue) to a competitor who will stoop to any lengths to destroy you and what you represent. Your free advertising for this magazine should help its business boom. D O'M. York Penn. healthy tor's note: We hope S&H does continue to prosper-a
competitor is always better than a starving one, as sometimes hunger may blind good judgment. Page 6
..... Have you read the Oct. 57 issue of Vim which explains a new one-a-day muscle building exercise course which makes ordeals in the gym obsolete. This article is worth ten times the cost of the magazine! 8.L. Knoxville Tenn. .....Editor's note: This exercise system will definitely not replace. gyms but is worth reading. To get the article send 35cents to Vim, 179 W. Washington, Chicago 2 Illinois and ask for Oct 57 issue.
.....Why dont you balance Physique Pictorial--include more pictures of women so you can prove you are not trying to make a homosexual appeal (as a certain rival claimed about all the pocket size physique books.) Also you should show more exercise and bodybuilding articles and then you wouldn't be so wide open to criticizm. Another thing I dont like about your book is the congestion and smallness of print--everything is too crowded. RK San Fran. PRESENT PP FORMAT APPRECIATED
.....Please disregard letters asking you to change PP--leave well enough alone. Remember you cant please everyone. There are plenty of fine exercise books, girly magazines (I buy em myself) so please keep your book filled with helpful new and interesting pictures and drawings--andif you get satisfaction from it, go right on filling up the otherwise wasted margins with retaliatory comments about your oppressors and antagonists--I dont always agree, but then these are often interesting and sometimes amusing. LO Alex Va.
PP CRITICIZED FOR SUPPORTING "LISTED GROUP" .....While your pictures are fine, your politics are most naive. In your anti-censorship campaign you list the ACLU and in California this group was listed as "un-American and communist sympathiser" back in the Mc Carthy days. DK Oklahoma City, Oklahoma .....Editor's Note: The ACLU has several times been misbranded because it believe the US citizen intelligent enough to choose his own politics (as well as his own literature) This belief was shared by the framers of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, but some of our citizens today consider this belief old fashioned. They feel constitutional guarantees should be ignored when it is expedient to do so. ACLU fights for everyone's constitutional rights, regardless.
LYNN LYMAN of age 20.
Since this photo was token, Lynn has gotten considerably bulkier, though we prefer this trimmer bodyweight. Mony of his fans actually preferred him os he was when he first appeared in Muscle Beach contests of oge 17. But no bodybuilder ever seems desirous of "staying the way he is, but rather must always get bigger, ond bigger, and bigger, and...
We at AMG ore constantly omazed at the facial changes which con toke place in an athlete (or for that matter, any one) in just a few months time. Its almost as if we were looking at a different person.
Perhops its the tremendous change in body metabolism which produces the change, Notice the firm maturity In Lynn's face here compared to his earlier pictures--we're not saying its either good or bod, just colling attention to it.
This is AMG photo YZI-AC. AMG offers 15 catalogs of Lynn, $1.50 (240 stamp size miniatures--only a few of these have been published)
WHO READS THE PHYSIQUE BOOKS? Our tabulation of the questionnaire on pg 19 of the Summer 57 edition of PP is not complete and we would appreciate additional answers at any time those who havent completed it care to send them in, as we would like our result to be as accurate as possible. For those who might be interested we now print a rough resume of the results to date and will later publish a more detailed report.: 1. AGE: Most readers fall between 25 and 35. 2. SEX: Most are male. 3. MARITAL: Majority are single but a sizeable number are now married or have been in the post. 4. CHILDREN: Of those who are married, the average number of children spawned were two. Some irreverent single bucks placed question marks after the children question. 5. INTENT TO MARRY: Of those now single about half have plans to marry or are undecided. But of those who were married but now divorced, none intend to remarry. 6. RACIAL BACKGROUND: Most are a conglomeration of middle European, English and German most frequest, but almost every country is mentioned. 7. RELIGION: Catholic most frequently mentioned. Methodist next strongest. Wide variety of churches represented. About 5% indicate no religion. 8. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: a. Ht: More are 6 ft than any other ht. Average is about 5'11". b.:Wt: Most frequent wt is 155 lbs, average is about 160. c.Waist: Most frequent waist size stated is 30", average about 31. d: Hair: Probably 65% have brown hair, about 10% each have blonde and black hair, a few with red, and the rest other shades. e. Eyes: Almost 1/3 have Brown, 1/3 Blue, the other 1/3 divided amongst grey-green, hazel, black, grey, blue-green, etc. 9.8ODYBUILDING: Only 25% call themselves bodybuilders (but note: 10: SPORTS & EXERCISE: 75% engage in regular sports and exercise, but unfortunately 25% indicated they did not do regular sports or exercise (a further unfortunate fact was that this 25% were normally among the group with occupations such as artists and other sedentary work). 11. OCCUPATION: Completely diversified. Othern than artists, gym owners and trainers, the only occupations which were mentioned considerably more often than others were clerks and students. 12. HOBBIES: Music, Art and photography lead with sports a strong second and almost every other heard-of hobby listed. 13. MONEY SPENT ON PHOTOS: Average about $15 per year, but a small minority go to rather sizeable amounts. 14: EDUCATION: Most are college graduates and an additional 20% have done post graduate work. (None of the workers for AMG or those who produce PP have gone beyond high-school---perhaps this shows...) 15. CASUAL FRIENDS: Average number of cards sent out at Christmas is 200. 16. MOST INTIMATE FRIENDS: The average reader listed 3 friends from whom he would withhold no secret. About 10% indicated they put complete trust in no one.
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